The Top 4 Functions Of The Internal Audit Module

In today’s fast-paced aged care industry, it is crucial for companies to maintain the highest standard of transparency and compliance. Internal auditing plays a vital role in achieving this, and VCare’s new internal auditing app is here to streamline and enhance the entire auditing process. In this blog, we will explore five key benefits of this cutting-edge internal auditing app by VCare

Streamlining Aged Care: new integration boosts clinician efficiency

Medtech Global, supplier of practice management systems (PMS) to more than 80 percent of Kiwi general practices, has worked with New Zealand’s leading aged care software provider, VCare, to allow information to seamlessly flow from primary to aged care.

A new integration between the largest providers of primary care and aged care software in New Zealand is releasing clinical time to care for the country’s growing elderly population