5 ways VCare can help your staff with care management functionality
Aged Residential beds throughout New Zealand are continuing to increase as reported by the New Zealand Aged Care Association (NZACA). The NZACA reported a total of 39,767 Aged Residential beds over 668 Aged Care facilities in its biennial Aged Residential Care Industry Profile for 2019/2020. This trend has caused Aged Care providers to look into more efficient ways of managing care through electronic care management solutions such as VCare. VCare enables improved accuracy and delivery of care resulting in better outcomes for your residents
Recording information regarding a resident from the initial contact and admission to their specific requirements such as independent living, or any other form of care needs to be managed efficiently. By implementing an Electronic Care Management system such as VCare, your staff are able to record all information regarding a resident including individualised and personalised care requirements.
VCare can help your staff with Care Management functionality through:
- Mobile and Browser Applications
- Care specific reporting and dashboards
- Ongoing training and webinars
- Automated care and resident journey management
- Auditing process management

Mobile and Browser Apps
Mobile and browser-based applications provide a whole range of advantages for your facility, these include:
- Accessibility across a range of devices’
- User friendly interface
- Customisable for different devices
- Increased flexibility
- And so much more
VCare offers a range of browser based application to help support your residents journey. Contact us today to find out more.

Care Specific Reporting and Dashboards
VCare reporting and dashboards align aged care accreditation with standard reporting. Traditional methods used to ensure your facility aligns with aged care accreditation standards requires hours of manual reporting that can easily generate inaccurate results due to human error.
With VCare, as soon as data is entered into the system it can be included in a report. This means your staff can simply run reports from VCare rather than having to then manually compile all the data from existing paper files before creating custom reports.
VCare dashboards give you an easy to understand, visualised quick view of your resident data proving valuable insight for your entire facility ( or group of facilities). By providing real-time access to resident information your staff users can interact and evaluate information, helping them to make smarter, data-driven decisions and gaining insights in seconds.

Ongoing training and webinars
The most significant success factor of any new system in any organisation but especially an electronic system are the people. Change management, staff acceptance and staff willingness to adopt a new solution will be the difference between a successful and unsuccessful project.
Training is one of the most essential elements of the implementation process. If staff are not comfortable with a new system, familiar with how it works and how to use it for their daily tasks, then staff adoption will be an ongoing and expensive challenge which you will face frequently.
Training needs to be heavily invested in, not only before and during implementation but also after. This will ensure staff fully utilise all the benefits that an electronic aged care software has to offer.
With this in mind, VCare offers a range of training through initial implementation training, ongoing training and webinars.
If you would like to be notified of any upcoming webinars sign up to our newsletter today.

Automated Care Management and managing your resident’s journey
VCare is an electronic way of meeting all of your care planning and resident recording requirements practically, efficiently and in line with best practice. This is achieved by reducing manual data entry, giving your staff more time on tasks that add value to your facility such as caring for your residents.
The primary challenge for clinical management is the duplication of clinical information and care actions not being completed in a specified timeframe. Processes may be completed more than once resulting in inaccurate reporting and wasted additional time and effort. Another challenge is the visibility of clinical items that have been completed, due or are overdue. VCare helps to reduce pressure on staff’s resources enabling your staff to manage care in an efficient and rewarding way.
Examples of Automated Care Management functionality within VCare that aid your residents journey include:
- Care Plans are personalised using customised & pre-populated care items.
- Automated reviewing of completed, in progress and overdue care items.
- Automated performance management as it maintains a record of the task, date, time and who completed the work.
- Triggers and checklists can be set to ensure care actions are completed.
- Mandatory fields are available in assessments ensuring the user completes all critical sections before the assessment can be marked as complete.
- Key risk areas are identified for each resident which allows you to monitor any ongoing changes for that particular resident.
- And so much more

Auditing processes and support
All rest homes and aged residential care facilities are certified and audited to ensure they provide safe, appropriate care for their residents and meet the standards set out in the Health and Disability Services (Safety) Act 2001. The auditing process requires extensive preparation from management to ensure accurate information is available for auditors. This process can be quite a demanding and stressful one so VCare has been designed to support your management so that this process is as smooth as possible.
Electronic care management systems such as VCare have a single point of data entry, which results in information always being up to date and readily available in seconds which is essential for Auditors. VCare supports the auditing processes through :
- Reporting
- Identifying and reducing falls risk
- Eliminating duplication of information and records
- Visibility and accuracy of information
- Comprehensive and personalised care
- And so much more