Top 5 features of Admin, Sales and Marketing functionality in VCare
At any aged care facility there is a constant stream of inquiries, prospects and new residents to keep track of and managing these in an effective manner can be difficult. Incorporating an electronic management system into your facility that enables your admin, sales and marketing team to manage this is important in not only giving your staff confidence but reducing the risk of lost prospects or errors.
VCare’s Admin, sales and marketing module gives you more control and visibility of your facility, attracting prospects and managing waitlists. This module ensures all enquiries are managed promptly and effectively. Prospects can be added to a waiting list for both retirement villages and residential care facilities alerting staff when space becomes available, allowing facilities to maximise occupancy levels. The new developments create a user-friendly experience that will give your staff confidence and save them time.
Below are the top 5 features of Admin, Sales and Marketing Functionality in VCare:
- Prospect Management
- Waiting Lists and Holds
- Document Management
- Browser Based sales app
- Sales Manager Dashboard with PowerBI
Prospect Management
VCare gives your staff the ability to keep a record of everything a prospect does from the moment they make initial contact. The prospect management feature of this functionality keeps track of all appointments, letters, phone calls and follow-ups that occur between your staff and prospects.
Reminders and alerts mean no appointments are missed and give your staff peace of mind knowing their contact with a prospect will be consistent and up to date with the latest developments in their journey.

Waiting Lists and Holds
Using VCare to manage your waiting lists reduces the need for files of paperwork and the risk involved with making sure nothing gets lost over time. When a prospective client or current resident requests a unit or bed should it become available staff can add them to the waiting lists inside VCare and this will automatically alert staff when a space becomes available.
Staff can then use the waiting list to place a hold on a unit or bed. This prevents staff from admitting a resident or creating a new contract until the current hold is removed or expired. Holds are visible on the occupancy screen allowing total visibility for staff, reducing the risk of miscommunication between staff, and making sure the correct resident is assigned to the new unit or room.
Having a record of the resident from the initial waiting list and hold means there is a consistent record of each resident throughout their entire journey at your facility.
Document management
VCare integrates with a wide range of services, this allows VCare to merge data to Microsoft word and publisher documents, generate letters and attach electronic documents to a record so you can provide a full history with a resident without having to spend hours combing through emails or paper files.
This integration allows letters to be sent from within VCare, automatically linking them to the resident. If documents have been obtained outside of VCare these can be imported and attached to the residents record so everything is stored in one place for your staff. If needed VCare can produce disclosure documents when required.
Having all your residents’ documents stored in one place means nothing gets lost and as a resident transitions through your facility your staff can provide detailed evidence of information throughout any stage of their journey.

New Browser based Sales App
VCare has recently released a new web-based application that visualises data to deliver an appealing user experience. This Sales App Provide salespeople with current, historic, and predictive data to improve efficiency and understanding of sales efforts.
The new app displays a comprehensive dashboard that gives users a complete overview of their sales prospects by status, unit size and accommodation type as well as displaying any upcoming or overdue activities so nothing gets overlooked. The Calendar functionality gives a complete overview of what is planned for the week including appointments, follow up calls and more. There are also areas to complete your waiting lists, unit lists and visualise all prospects as you would in traditional VCare.
Its integration with desktop VCare means anything input into the Sales app will be visible in real-time in VCare, so users do not need to worry about double entry.
Sales Manager Dashboard with PowerBI
VCare also integrates with PowerBi to create custom dashboards such as the Sales Manager dashboard which provides extremely detailed graphs and lists so you can gain greater visibility and insight into your overall sales and marketing effort.
These dashboards are tailored to your needs, so you only see exactly what you need. Here are some examples of what you could see:
- Information on occupants in your facility (occupied units by age, by gender and unit details)
- Overview of new and used stock and related sales
- Current Prospects and likelihood of conversion to residents
- Analysis of sales performance
- Number of enquires by village or care centre
- Prospects converted by specific salesperson
- Average length of status of prospect
- And Much more