5 Benefits of Browser applications for your Aged Care Facility
Browser applications are stored on a remote server and delivered over the Internet through a browser interface. Unlike PC based software which needs to be installed on individual devices, browser-based applications don’t confine the user to one location.
According to Smartphone Statistics, there are over 2.87 billion smartphone users and 1.23 billion tablet users worldwide. More and more people are becoming accustomed to carrying out their jobs on the internet via a range of devices and the aged care industry is no different.
Browser based applications provide huge benefits to the aged care industry. The easy, 24/7 access for users as well as allowing access to information on any device, gives aged care staff the freedom to work in a way that’s best for them and allows the highest level of care to be provided to your residents.
VCare has just released a new suite of browser-based applications focusing on a range of areas including Sales, Activities, Resident Care and Management Dashboards. VCare browser applications give your more flexibility in your aged care facility and how the software is being utilised.
Have a read of our top 5 benefits of browser-based applications for your aged care facility:
- Accessible Anywhere
- Accessible across a range of Devices
- Real-time collaboration
- Easy installation and maintenance
- User friendly interface
Accessible Anywhere
Unlike desktop-based systems such as the traditional VCare, browser-based applications allow your staff to access VCare 24/7 and from anywhere with an internet connection.
Browser based applications mean your staff aren’t tied to their desk, nurses, caregivers and other staff can be with a patient and update their records instantly without the need to write notes to be transferred into the desktop system. Not only does this reduces stress for your staff but it saves them time and removes double handling resulting in more accurate records which support your auditing processes.
Accessible across a wide range of devices
Every job in your aged care facility is different, and with this comes different sets of needs regarding what preference of device to operate your aged care software on. A huge benefit of Browser based apps, especially ones that have been optimized for all devices, is that your staff can access the information from any device. Your staff, particularly nurses are extremely busy and always on the go. They are constantly tending to patients so need their hands free most of the time. Browser based applications mean your nurses can carry phones or tablets in their pockets or on their carts to make life easier and their hands free. Whereas most management and administration staff work at desks so can access their work on computers or laptops. The key takeaway being that browser-based apps allow your staff to use what works for them and makes their job easier.

Real time collaboration
Browser based applications help you streamline your aged care facility processes by ensuring everybody is seeing real time data and information. Having all systems online means if your staff are operating over several locations, if they update their content it will update across the whole system. There is no need for them to wait to get back to head office or finish with a resident to input their data.
VCare’s new clinical dashboard app gives managers a full 360 view of their aged care facility and the ongoings within it. As staff update notes about resident’s care, events or activities, the clinical dashboard is instantly updated so immediate action can be taken if necessary. The real time collaboration browser-based apps provide means nothing gets missed, removes double handling, and ensures your residents are getting the highest level of care.
Easy Installation and Maintenance
Browser based applications allow you avoid the hassle of installing software on every device and means you don’t need to worry about data storage and not having enough space. Traditional desktop systems require time consuming installations and when it’s time for an upgrade, it’s hard to avoid downtime in your system. Browser based applications mean once a new version or upgrade is installed on the host server all users can access it straight away.
Maintenance requirements are generally much lower, updates and rolling out new software can be accomplished more easily, requiring only those users have up-to-date browsers and plugins. Easy installation and maintenance mean your nursing home can focus on what is being input into the system, caring for your residents, and looking after your staff.

User friendly interface
Your staff are already extremely busy looking after residents, managing prospects, and planning future activities. The last thing they need is an old, slow system that is hard to work in and isn’t designed with the user experience at the forefront.
Browser based applications such as the new release from VCare, provide a user-friendly interface that is designed with aged care facility staff in mind. These interfaces can be customised to suit the individual staff member, so they only see what they need to, removing confusion and saving them time to focus on the more important aspects of their job.
It’s clear there are so many benefits to using Browser based applications in your aged care facility, that’s why VCare is proud to release a suite of brand-new browser-based applications. These applications provide role specific functionality for sales, activities, resident care, and management. Contact us today to find out more!