Happy Festive season from the team at VCare
Interoperability with InterRAI
Did you know it was one of our clients who, using VCare, made history by being one of the first in the world to import interRAI assessments?
Two-way integration with InterRAI is not currently possible for any software vendor in NZ. If two-way integration with interRAI ever became possible, then VCare would include that functionality immediately. If you are unsure about what can be done, please contact interRAI directly or contact us and we can put you in touch with someone from interRAI who will be able to help.
The present position on interoperability from interRAI is:
“The current interoperability approach for interRAI is that external systems are able to pull information from interRAI using one of the two mechanisms described below but are not able to push information to interRAI.”
Response from interRAI NZ Governance Board
A few highlights from 2019:
VCare User Forums
Retirement Villages Association (RVA) Conference – 1st-4th July 2019
New Zealand Aged Care Association (NZACA) Conference – 21st-24th October 2019
Mobile Solutions
VCare User Forums
We had a fantastic turn out at both user forums in Christchurch and Auckland this year. These events will continue to happen, so if you have any feedback on topics that you would like covered, please let us know.
As the year has progressed, VCare has been proud to be involved in a range of events brought to you by the Retirement Village Association (RVA) and the New Zealand Aged Care Association (NZACA).
RVA Conference
VCare was proud to be a silver sponsor and exhibitor at New Zealand’s Retirement Villages Association (RVA) conference from the 1st – 4th July 2019.

NZACA Conference
VCare was proud to sponsor the Keynote Speaker, Tadgh Daly and the VCare Legendary Service to the Aged Care Sector award at the New Zealand Aged Care Association (NZACA) conference from the 21st-24th October 2019.

Award sponsorship
VCare Legendary Service to the Aged Residential Care Industry
VCare was proud to sponsor the VCare Legendary Service to the Aged Residential Care Sector.
The VCare Legendary Service to the Aged Residential Care Sector award recognises the outstanding contribution of someone who has been part of the aged care residential industry for more than ten years. The winner of this award was Diana Triplow from Mary Doyle (Arvida Group). Diana received a $1000 travel voucher.

Keynote speaker sponsorship
Tadgh Daly, Chief Executive, Nursing Homes Ireland- Nursing care in Ireland: Similarities and differences to New Zealand
Tadhg Daly is Chief Executive of the Nursing Homes Ireland, the representative organisation for the private and voluntary nursing homes sector.
Tadhg was formerly CEO of the Irish Nursing Homes Organisation (INHO) and was one of the key figures that led to the establishment of Nursing Homes Ireland. He gave a facinating insight into the respective similarities and difference between industry operations in both Countries.

Mobile solutions – VCare Any-ware
VCare is continuing to develop solutions that take advantage of mobile technologies, allowing you to access VCare anytime, anywhere. We have had some great positive feedback from facilities using our new mobile technology – VCare Any-ware.
If you would like some more information about VCare Any-ware or if you would like to see a demo, please get in touch.
We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our clients and their families a very Happy Festive Season and a safe New Year. We thank you for your continued support and look forward to providing you with some great enhancements in the new year.
Best wishes for 2020.
Our office will be closed from 20 December 2019 and reopening 6 January 2020.